And then these are adjudicated in a formal cross examination procedure until such time that the licensing board has to make a ruling. 还有些裁定评审会进行,正常的盘问程序,直到,许可董事会能够做出判决。
Should there be cross licensing with other enterprises? 是否应存在与其他企业的合并许可情况?
As part of the strategic collaboration Hynix and Toshiba have extended their patent cross licensing. 另外,作为这次合作战略的其它部分,两家公司还将扩大专利交叉授权的范围。
Two duopoly firms with the perfect complementary patents may conduct three types of patent transaction, they are no patent licensing, cross licensing, patent pools licensing respectively. 拥有互补性专利的双寡头厂商可以进行三种方式的专利交易,分别是无专利授权、交叉许可授权和专利联盟授权。